Week 72 - Journee de Service
Iaorana Tatou!! I hope that you all have had a great week! This week was a good week for Elder Peck and I! Nothing too big went down but we had a good time and made best with what we had! This week we had a Journee de Service! It is their Mormon Helping Hands! It was tons of fun. Our ward went to an inactive members house to clean up their yard. We took the weed whackers and rakes and went to town! They don't have lawn mowers here so you are forced to cut grass with weed whackers which makes things take a million times longer, but a million times more fun! So we did that pretty much all day on Saturday. We took a little break at lunch time and drank coconuts. The coconut water here is WAYYY better than in America! So that was a pretty fun day. I love serving others. Also, this week Elder Peck and I had a day where a coupe of lessons fell through, so we decided to go get some ice cream. We have this place in our area that has a little cup of soft serve ice cream for like a dol...