
Showing posts from October, 2018

Week 72 - Journee de Service

Iaorana Tatou!! I hope that you all have had a great week! This week was a good week for Elder Peck and I! Nothing too big went down but we had a good time and made best with what we had! This week we had a Journee de Service! It is their Mormon Helping Hands! It was tons of fun. Our ward went to an inactive members house to clean up their yard. We took the weed whackers and rakes and went to town! They don't have lawn mowers here so you are forced to cut grass with weed whackers which makes things take a million times longer, but a million times more fun! So we did that pretty much all day on Saturday. We took a little break at lunch time and drank coconuts. The coconut water here is WAYYY better than in America! So that was a pretty fun day. I love serving others. Also, this week Elder Peck and I had a day where a coupe of lessons fell through, so we decided to go get some ice cream. We have this place in our area that has a little cup of soft serve ice cream for like a dol...

Week 71 - Black beaches

Hello Everyone! This was another great week in the mission field! We had interviews with President Fox. I love the interviews I have with him. I am lucky to have him as my mission president. We also had a leadership council this week at President Fox's house. It is always a good time and a super uplifting meeting with the other leaders of this mission. Sorry I don't have a ton of time this week for my email. Enjoy some of the beauty of Tahiti from my pictures. I hope you all have a great week. I love you all! Elder Kyle Van Lindt  Black sandy beaches on Tahiti warm sunset  Elder Peck and I 

Week 70 - Working Hard

Laorana Tatou! (Hello Everyone!) J'espere que vous allez bien! (I hope you are all doing well!) This week was a good week! Nothing to big happened for us but we made the best of it. Elder Peck and I are continuing to work our hardest. I am sure that blessings and miracles will be coming our way soon! This week I have been reading a ton in the Book of Mormon. I love that book with all my heart. It has changed my life! This week I have been focusing on the little things again. Just really trying to have better scripture study as well as personal prayer. I have noticed such a big difference and it has helped me so much! I hope that you all can find ways to improve your personal scripture study and prayer, I promise you all blessings! I saw Sister Orbeck this week and that was so awesome! I love that family and all the things they do for me! The Orbeck's and me Also, this week Elder Peck and I have had multiple opportunities to give blessings! I am so grateful for ...

Week 69 - Dream Team

Hello Everyone! I hope you all had the best week ever and were uplifted by General Conference! This last week was a great one! It was the last week of the transfer and we ended it on a good note... Elder Peck and I are staying together in Papeari and I couldn't be happier! We work so well together and the ward we serve in is awesome! Here are some highlights from the week: We went into the valley in our area and we came across this river and we drove right through the middle of it when there was a perfectly functioning bridge! LOL  Adventure There's the bridge We had creps with the Zone on Saturday night to celebrate the great transfer we had! We went to the Baby Blue Food Truck quite a few times this week for lunch! We took the district one day too. They have the coolest set up right on the ocean  See the Blue Truck!! LOL Let's talk about how great General Conference was ... I am so grateful to have a living Prophet who receives modern day...

Week 68 - Life on the Farm

IAORANA!!!!! I hope you all had a great week! My week was great, a little interesting, but great! This week we had zone conference which was great! Last week for P Day we made ties with a member so that we could all be matching. After the conference we went to the only golf course on Tahiti and did a little golfing summed up with watching the sunset on the beach. Wasn't too bad for a P Day!  Our Zone Awesome golf course! So we kind of  have a farm at our house. We have a cat and she was pregnant and then this week during the middle of the night she gave birth to her kittens on my companions pillow!! It was one of the craziest things I have ever seen in my life and also one of the funniest! My companion and I were both half asleep and Viola (the cat) starts having her kittens on Elder Peck's pillow! So that night we didn't do a whole lot of sleeping! Then in the morning we are eating breakfast and a chicken comes into our kitchen and lays an egg on our ...