Week 68 - Life on the Farm


I hope you all had a great week! My week was great, a little interesting, but great!

This week we had zone conference which was great! Last week for P Day we made ties with a member so that we could all be matching. After the conference we went to the only golf course on Tahiti and did a little golfing summed up with watching the sunset on the beach. Wasn't too bad for a P Day!

 Our Zone

Awesome golf course!

So we kind of  have a farm at our house. We have a cat and she was pregnant and then this week during the middle of the night she gave birth to her kittens on my companions pillow!! It was one of the craziest things I have ever seen in my life and also one of the funniest! My companion and I were both half asleep and Viola (the cat) starts having her kittens on Elder Peck's pillow! So that night we didn't do a whole lot of sleeping! Then in the morning we are eating breakfast and a chicken comes into our kitchen and lays an egg on our kitchen counter! Funny thing is she has done it every day this week! So yeah, we now have 3 baby kittens and fresh eggs at our house!
 Fresh egg anyone?
Do you see the chicken just chillin' on the shelf??

This week President and Sister Fox came to our ward and gave talks and they were so great. Also, our recent convert Toofa, bore his testimony and it was one of the most powerful testimonies that I have ever heard. He is a blessing and I am so grateful for him!

This week was a week of service, so Elder Peck and I made cookies for some members in our ward. This transfer has been one of the best of my mission! I love serving with Elder Peck! He is literally one of my best friends and I am so grateful to be serving with him! We also have a super great zone of missionaries that are awesome!
I hope you all have a great week! I love you all!

Elder Van Lindt


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