Week 70 - Working Hard

Laorana Tatou! (Hello Everyone!)

J'espere que vous allez bien! (I hope you are all doing well!)

This week was a good week! Nothing to big happened for us but we made the best of it. Elder Peck and I are continuing to work our hardest. I am sure that blessings and miracles will be coming our way soon!

This week I have been reading a ton in the Book of Mormon. I love that book with all my heart. It has changed my life! This week I have been focusing on the little things again. Just really trying to have better scripture study as well as personal prayer. I have noticed such a big difference and it has helped me so much! I hope that you all can find ways to improve your personal scripture study and prayer, I promise you all blessings!

I saw Sister Orbeck this week and that was so awesome! I love that family and all the things they do for me!

The Orbeck's and me

Also, this week Elder Peck and I have had multiple opportunities to give blessings! I am so grateful for the priesthood and for the blessings we have to have the priesthood restored to the Earth today. Giving other people blessings and seeing the impact it can make on their life is such a wonderful blessing that all worthy priesthood holders can have!

I love you all so much! I hope you have a great week!
Elder Kyle Van Lindt


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