Week 69 - Dream Team

Hello Everyone!
I hope you all had the best week ever and were uplifted by General Conference! This last week was a great one! It was the last week of the transfer and we ended it on a good note... Elder Peck and I are staying together in Papeari and I couldn't be happier! We work so well together and the ward we serve in is awesome!

Here are some highlights from the week:
  • We went into the valley in our area and we came across this river and we drove right through the middle of it when there was a perfectly functioning bridge! LOL
There's the bridge
  • We had creps with the Zone on Saturday night to celebrate the great transfer we had!
  • We went to the Baby Blue Food Truck quite a few times this week for lunch! We took the district one day too. They have the coolest set up right on the ocean
 See the Blue Truck!! LOL

  • Let's talk about how great General Conference was ... I am so grateful to have a living Prophet who receives modern day revelation!
Our zone
  • Elder Peck and I are staying together again! #DreamTeam
  • We found some people that the Lord has prepared for us to teach and baptize.
I love you all and hope you have a great week! I love my mission so much. I am grateful for it each and every day. It is scary how fast time is going by but I wouldn't trade this time for anything! It is the biggest blessing in my life to be able to serve the Lord!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt


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