Week 58 - Hot Tuna Boys

Te mau tuahine e te mau taeae ... laorana!

A churu?!?!

Okay, I will stop talking in Tahitian because you probably don't understand a word and there is no such thing as google translate for Tahitian!

This week was a great week! I received my new companion, his name is Elder Larsen and he comes from Utah. He is super nice and has been on his mission for 20 months. I am super excited to serve with him and I think that we will work really well together!

Everyone is on vacation right now in Tahiti, so we don't really have a ton to do. It is hard but we have been doing a ton of service pastoral! Basically, just going around and visiting members and our investigators. It has been fun to build up our relationships with them this past week. Hopefully, it should be settling down pretty soon!

Today we went to the beach for our P Day activity, like normal!

My studies this past week have been super awesom. I am not sure why but I have really been into them lately. My testimony of The Book of Mormon continues to grow! I just love how applicable it is to our lives!

Oh, I almost forgot, but there are literally chickens everywhere in Tahiti and they just lay eggs everywhere! So I took a picture with an egg I found on the side of the road! LOL

I love and miss you guys! I love missionary work and just being able to help people! I hope you all have a great week!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt
Me and Elder Larsen
P Day at the beach
Thought you would like this
Egg from the side of the road!


  1. You are looking good
    I enjoy reading your letters, love from your Great Grandma Linda


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