Week 104 - Mission Accomplished!!

Well ... this is my last letter home as a missionary!

These last two years have been the BEST two years of my life. Looking back on all that I have learned, I am grateful and proud to say that I have served a full two year mission! I learned so many things about myself and about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I will forever be grateful for these two years I spent here in Tahiti. I love these people with all of my heart. They will forever be a part of my life. I like to consider myself half Tahitian! I am also grateful and proud to say that I know this gospel and this church are true. I have become completely converted to the truthfulness of this gospel. I know that our Heavenly Father loves us, and that He wants us to have Joy and Happiness in this life. I know that if we follow His commandments and do our best, we will receive so many blessings in our lives, one being the blessing of eternal life. I know that I will live with my family forever and that I will live with our Heavenly Father again!

I hope you have all enjoyed my emails! Than you for all the love and support you have given me these past two years!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt
 Dinner with friends that are like family!


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