Week 83 - Miracles Exist!

Hello Everyone!

I hope that you all had a great week and that this new year is treating you well! This week was a good week! Elder Banthoud and I saw many miracles this week! There are a few I would like to share with you guys!

This week we were doing a little bit of contacting and we were at a house and an old Tahitian lady walks out of the house and starts speaking in only Tahitian. I was scared at the beginning because the Tahitian language is pretty hard and not a ton of people speak it! My companion just looks at me because he didn't understand anything and then I realized that I was understanding everything that she was saying to us! She invited us in and we gave her a blessing and taught her a lesson. ALL of it in Tahitian! And the end she was crying because she was so grateful that we spoke in Tahitian with her. I still don't know how I was able to talk or understand but I did it and it was a miracle!

Another miracle we saw this week was with an old investigator! It has been about 3 years since she has been talking to the missionaries. But for the past year or so she really hasn't had any contact. So we went and visited her and invited her to Church. Long story short, she came to church and was touched by the Spirit and now wants to get baptized! It was a miracle!

So the day finally came and I biffed it on my bike this week! It wasn't bad at all just a little scratch on my arm! I think you aren't a true missionary unless you have fallen at least once on your bike! LOL

I hope you all have a great week! Miracles exist!

I love you all so much!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt


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