
Showing posts from July, 2018

Week 59 - Heiva

Hello Everyone!  Me and Elder Larsen celebrating Heiva! This week was super awesome and it was full of so many great experiences! I love, love, love being on a mission ... especially in Tahiti! The time is flying by and I am trying my best to cherish each moment I have here! I did a baptismal interview this week. Nothing out of the normal, but the cool thing is that the girl (Mirei) is deaf, mute, and has a hard time reading and writing. She didn't go to school a lot as a child because it was so hard for her. So for the interview we had a translator come to do sign language. But then we realized that she never had learned sign language. Her entire life she just makes up her own actions with her hands to describe things. So, for this interview that is exactly what we did! I just made hand motions, with the help of the translator and then Mirei would reply in her own way! It was silent but the spirit was so strong! She passed and then got baptized this past weekend! Super Co

Week 58 - Hot Tuna Boys

Te mau tuahine e te mau taeae ... laorana! A churu?!?! Okay, I will stop talking in Tahitian because you probably don't understand a word and there is no such thing as google translate for Tahitian! This week was a great week! I received my new companion, his name is Elder Larsen and he comes from Utah. He is super nice and has been on his mission for 20 months. I am super excited to serve with him and I think that we will work really well together! Everyone is on vacation right now in Tahiti, so we don't really have a ton to do. It is hard but we have been doing a ton of service pastoral! Basically, just going around and visiting members and our investigators. It has been fun to build up our relationships with them this past week. Hopefully, it should be settling down pretty soon! Today we went to the beach for our P Day activity, like normal! My studies this past week have been super awesom. I am not sure why but I have really been into them lately. My testimony

Week 57 - Touring Tahiti

Hello Everyone! This past week has been crazy busy but it was really great! Let's just say I did a ton of driving this past week! I am so grateful for my mission and for the opportunity to learn and to grow every day! I have felt and seen so much growth in my life since I have been here and I am so happy with the person I have become today! It is crazy to reflect back and see how much I have changed and it has only been a little over a year! I am super excited to continue changing and growing. Here are a few of the fun activities we did this past week! Last week we did a tour of the island of Tahiti! We saw so many beautiful sites and it was super fun! I am so grateful for the members that took us! We had a Multi Zone conference down in Papeari this past week! It was really great and I learned a lot. Elder Madsen (a missionary who finishes today) stayed with us for the past few days. It was awesome getting advice from him! It was transfer week. I am staying in Punaauia and g

Week 56 - I LOVE the 4th of July!

Hello Everyone! I hope you all had a great past week and ESPECIALLY a great 4th of July! This past week has been full of eating food and gaining weight! LOL It has been a great week and full of lots of great memories. Here are a few of the things that happened this past week!! Celebrated my Birthday here in Tahiti ... 5 times! Super fun, but lots of cake!!  Happy Birthday wishes from President and Sister Fox  Adding all the candles to my cake! I don't think another candle would have fit! We made tacos last week for P Day! They don't eat Mexican food here so it was real nice to have some tacos! Tacos! Had some Kraft Mac N Cheese for the first time in over a year! (Thanks mom!) I sure did miss my mac n cheese! Managed to find a grill so we could BBQ for the 4th of July! We went American style with the food! Grilling with Elder Koyle  Doing it right! Gotta have s'mores! We held a little date night at the church on Friday

Week 55 ~ I Love July!

Te mau tuahine e te mau taeae IAORANA! I hope that you have all had a great week! Time reallly has been flying by lately. I am super excited for this upcoming week because it's my favorite holiday (July 4th)! We have a BBQ planned and I am so pumped! It is crazy to think that this transfer is coming to an end. Still 2 weeks left but it sure went by in a blink of an eye! Here are some highlights from this past week~ Elder Harrison and I saved 3 baby chicks out of the gutter! We made a cake for one of our investigators birthdays I gave an inactive member a haircut as a way to talk to him and invite him to church I went on a split with Elder Roi (He is Tahitian) It's July I have developed a huge love for banana bread! We had steak and fries and roquefort sauce! I hope that you all have a great week this week! Enjoy your fireworks! Pray for a missionary experience! I love you all! Love, Elder Kyle Van Lindt  Saving the baby chicks!  Making some cake!