Week 55 ~ I Love July!

Te mau tuahine e te mau taeae IAORANA!

I hope that you have all had a great week! Time reallly has been flying by lately. I am super excited for this upcoming week because it's my favorite holiday (July 4th)! We have a BBQ planned and I am so pumped! It is crazy to think that this transfer is coming to an end. Still 2 weeks left but it sure went by in a blink of an eye! Here are some highlights from this past week~
  • Elder Harrison and I saved 3 baby chicks out of the gutter!
  • We made a cake for one of our investigators birthdays
  • I gave an inactive member a haircut as a way to talk to him and invite him to church
  • I went on a split with Elder Roi (He is Tahitian)
  • It's July
  • I have developed a huge love for banana bread!
  • We had steak and fries and roquefort sauce!
I hope that you all have a great week this week! Enjoy your fireworks! Pray for a missionary experience! I love you all!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt

 Saving the baby chicks!
 Making some cake!


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