Week 56 - I LOVE the 4th of July!

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a great past week and ESPECIALLY a great 4th of July! This past week has been full of eating food and gaining weight! LOL It has been a great week and full of lots of great memories. Here are a few of the things that happened this past week!!
  • Celebrated my Birthday here in Tahiti ... 5 times! Super fun, but lots of cake!!
 Happy Birthday wishes from President and Sister Fox
 Adding all the candles to my cake!
I don't think another candle would have fit!
  • We made tacos last week for P Day! They don't eat Mexican food here so it was real nice to have some tacos!
  • Had some Kraft Mac N Cheese for the first time in over a year! (Thanks mom!)
I sure did miss my mac n cheese!
  • Managed to find a grill so we could BBQ for the 4th of July! We went American style with the food!
Grilling with Elder Koyle
 Doing it right!
Gotta have s'mores!
  • We held a little date night at the church on Friday night for our investigators that are in a couple. We talked about the importance of Eternal Families. It was a success! And of course .. we ate a TON after!
  • I started doing sport (exercise) in the morning and at night now to make sure I don't get fat because we eat so much here in Tahiti if you couldn't tell!
  • Yesterday Elder Harrison and I spoke in another ward on missionary work! It was super awesome and was received well!
This past week was a success! I love, love, love my mission! It has changed my life and made me into the person I am today! I am grateful for every moment I get to serve the Lord! I love you all so much. Have a fabulous week!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt


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