
Showing posts from May, 2018

Week 50 - Sand Snowball Fights

Hello Everyone! I hope you all had a great week and that summer is treating you well! Tahiti is doing great! This week has been such an awesome week! Here are a few of the awesome experiences I have had this week! We had a Zone Conference with President Fox and it was super great and motivating! After that my companion Elder Harrison and I went out and found 5 people wanting to be baptized! Elder Koyle and I went on a split to go give some blessings. Probably one of the most powerful experiences that I have had on my mission! Before the blessing the guy wasn't walking and now he is! Last P Day we had a sand snowball fight .. that was fun! We made 300 egg rolls for a service project for Mother's Day (it was yesterday for them) Found some Pop Tarts and enjoyed eating them! We gave our Ward Mission Leader a haircut, so now he doesn't look homeless! LOL I love you all! Stay amazing and don't forget to smile! Love, Elder Kyle Van Lindt  After the Sand

Week 49 - Blessings from Service

IAORANA TATOU!! I hope life is treating you all well. I know school is either out or its getting close to being done so I am sure life is great! Enjoy the vacation! This week was pretty awesome! Here are some highlights! We had Leadership Council this week with all the Zone Leaders in the mission and it was super awesome! Super spiritual and I learned a TON! On Saturday we had nothing planned, but then we filled the day with every aspect of missionary work! We went and visited with members in the morning, found people to teach lessons to, and then we finished the day off with a service project before our Faatamaaraa! We knocked on like 22 doors today, and of those 22 we were able to talk to 17 of them and 5 of them told us we could come back and teach them lessons! It was really awesome seeing the Lord helping us in our missionary work! After that we changed into our P Day clothes to go to our service project. We went to an apartment complex and we each had a trash bag and we went

Week 48 - 11 MONTHS!!!

Happy 11 Months!!! This last week has been awesome! I don't have a ton of time for emails today, but I wanted to send out something, even if it's short! Here are a few highlights from this past week. Yesterday I got to skype home for Mother's Day and it was SO GREAT to see my family! Today for P Day we went to Papeete and I bought a ton of cool souvenirs! Had interviews with the mission President. Always a great experience and I always receive such great council from him! We are lucky to have President Fox! And some not so great highlights ...  Went to McDonalds today for the first time in my mission and I feel terrible! Body is NOT use to American food! Smacked myself in the face with the car door and gave myself a black eye! Someone hit and ran into MY MINI VAN!! Hope you are all having a fabulous week. Thanks for being so great and don't forget to smile this week! Love your Favorite Missionary, Elder Kyle Van Lindt  Market in Papeete

Week 47 - Life is good on Tahiti

Laorana Tatou!! I hope you all had a great week! My week was super awesome and I feel like I am adjusting well here on Tahiti. It is still weird seeing so many people and so many cars, but having a real store is good!! Here are some highlights from my week! Went on a split with Elder Koyle (We started our missions at the same time) We went to this sketchy apartment building to do some contacting, but ended up leaving because we were so scared! LOL Found a member with an outdoor Tahitian Gym ... Elder Koyle and I are trying to stay in shape! Told some 16 year old drug dealers that the Word of God is WAY better than Weed! Gave the mini van a good washing! LOL Had a meeting with the Stake President of Punaauia, about missionary work in the Stake. Had a super awesome training about charity and how we can love and serve our companions. I love you all so much and I love my mission. It has changed my life, and for all of you that are thinking about serving a mission, DO IT!!