Week 49 - Blessings from Service


I hope life is treating you all well. I know school is either out or its getting close to being done so I am sure life is great! Enjoy the vacation! This week was pretty awesome! Here are some highlights!
  • We had Leadership Council this week with all the Zone Leaders in the mission and it was super awesome! Super spiritual and I learned a TON!
  • On Saturday we had nothing planned, but then we filled the day with every aspect of missionary work! We went and visited with members in the morning, found people to teach lessons to, and then we finished the day off with a service project before our Faatamaaraa! We knocked on like 22 doors today, and of those 22 we were able to talk to 17 of them and 5 of them told us we could come back and teach them lessons! It was really awesome seeing the Lord helping us in our missionary work! After that we changed into our P Day clothes to go to our service project. We went to an apartment complex and we each had a trash bag and we went and picked up garbage for an hour. There were a ton of people who saw us and were so grateful and we even had a chance to talk to a few of them.
  • Elder Koyle and I taught the best lesson of our entire mission!
  • Went on a split with Elder Fox this week! We are from the same Stake back home and went to the same High School!
I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt

 Me and Elder Fox
My study area


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