Week 47 - Life is good on Tahiti

Laorana Tatou!!

I hope you all had a great week! My week was super awesome and I feel like I am adjusting well here on Tahiti. It is still weird seeing so many people and so many cars, but having a real store is good!! Here are some highlights from my week!
  • Went on a split with Elder Koyle (We started our missions at the same time)
  • We went to this sketchy apartment building to do some contacting, but ended up leaving because we were so scared! LOL
  • Found a member with an outdoor Tahitian Gym ... Elder Koyle and I are trying to stay in shape!
  • Told some 16 year old drug dealers that the Word of God is WAY better than Weed!
  • Gave the mini van a good washing! LOL
  • Had a meeting with the Stake President of Punaauia, about missionary work in the Stake.
  • Had a super awesome training about charity and how we can love and serve our companions.
I love you all so much and I love my mission. It has changed my life, and for all of you that are thinking about serving a mission, DO IT!! 

I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt

My clean mini van! 

Elder Van Lindt and Ariki, he is 11 years old and dresses up like a missionary everytime we teach him!

Elder Van Lindt and Elder Busch


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