Week 37 - Splits

Hello all you wonderful people! I hope you all had an amazing week! This week was a pretty awesome week! There was some changes this week so it kept things interesting. I was on split with one of the other Elders (from the other side of the island) for the whole week. His name is Elder Nauta and he is Tahitian. It was super awesome and we had a fun time! I really felt like I was in the culture when I was with him because he doesn't speak any English, so we talked all week in French! It was helpful having someone who speaks the language to help you out! I learned a lot from him and his is also still in training, so I was able to help him out with that! We started teaching this couple about 2 weeks ago and yesterday they came to church for the first time. When they walked in to church I had so much joy and happiness fill my heart! It makes me so happy when investigators we are teaching become closer to Christ and have that joy in their lives! Last P Day we went and played foo...