Week 34 - New Companion


This past week has been an awesome week! I am still out on Tubuai but I got a new companion this last week. His name is Elder Blazzard, he is younger than me on the mission. His is super awesome! This first week with him has been good and it seems like we will do just fine working together!

This past week we did a TON of contacting to try and find a new investigator to teach. I love contacting. Most missionaries don't really like it or feel comfortable doing it, but I love it so much. Contacting is when we literally walk up to anyone we see and just try and talk to them and a start a conversation. I love it! It always gets your heart going because you honestly have no idea what you are going to say before hand or how they will receive you. But I really enjoy being able to go around talking to everyone and sharing our message. I know it can bring so much happiness to peoples lives, so I am not afraid to share it! You always meet the coolest people and have the best conversations with the random people you meet!

Another skill I have learned on my mission is how to cut hair! I don't know how to cut my own hair

, but I can cut others pretty well! I have given so many haircuts to other missionaries out here in the mission. They keep coming back, so I think I must be doing a pretty good job.

It is no longer hot out here in Tubuai! The rain and wind have returned! We have been getting soaked all the way down to the bone these past few days on our bikes. I will never take a care for granted again in my life! LOL

I love you all so much! I hope you are all doing well and are continuing to better yourselves each and every day! Stay awesome!

Elder Van Lindt

Elder Blazzard and Elder Van Lindt


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