Week 36 - Cyclone Weather

Hello Everyone!

This week was a good week! It wasn't too exciting but there are still some things I want to share with you all about my week!

Let's start with Wednesday this last week. It was a normal day of missionary work and we had some extra time so we decided to go and do a little finding. We went down this dirt road and there was a house all the way at the end. So we go and get to the house and yell 'laorana' at the house from the road and hear nothing. Then we yell again and we hear a voice from the other side of the road, and it ends up being the owner of this house. He tells us to come over so we could talk with him. There are a lot of trees so we start walking into the trees and next thing you know we are in a Bee farm...Yes I said Bee Farm! He is in the middle of the bee farm doing his work. He tells us that the bees won't sting us as long as we don't try and hit them! My companion looks at me and says there is no way he is going in there. I look back at him and say yes there is! And I started walking into this Bee Farm! The guy told us to just let the bees fly around and land on us and we will be okay. So I just let it happen. I literally had probably close to a hundred bees just chilling all over me. My arms, legs, feet, FACE, and all over my clothes! We ended up talking with him and he accepts to talk with us and take lessons. So we grab a few chairs in the middle of this bee farm and teach a lesson while bees are crawling and flying all over us! He told us that we earned a lot of respect for coming into his bee farm and not being scared. So he said yes that he would continue lessons with us! When we left he opened up one of the boxes and gave us fresh honey right off the honey comb! Literally the best honey I have ever tasted in my life!!

This last Saturday we had a ward activity in the ward of Mahu! The activity was to ride our bikes all the way around the island, which is about 18 miles. Then after we were going to have a picnic on the beach. We participated and had a great time. And then at the beach I was able to help cook the food on the 'grill'. They wanted the Americans to help on the grill! LOL

This last week during my study time I have been studying a lot about spiritual gifts, or the gifts we get from God. I have been studying the different gifts we receive and figuring out what my gifts are. I want to know what my gifts are so I can use them, because if we don't use them, then we will loose them. So I encourage you all to find your spiritual gifts this week, and use them, because they are literally gifts from God.

I love you all so much! Have a wonderful week!

Elder Van Lindt

PS We had a mini cyclone come through the island and a bunch of trees blew down and a few houses got destroyed, but I am still alive! Have a great week!

 Kyle in the Bee Hive Farm
Riding with the ward activity
'Americans on the Grill!'
Mini Cyclone
Not sure any cyclone is considered 'mini'


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