Week 35 - Teaching English

Hello Everyone!

This week was another great week on Tubuai! I love this island so much. The people are the nicest people ever and it is such a privilege to be here with them. The Tahitian culture is a LOT different from America, but I feel that now it is a part of me.

This week we have had a lot of opportunities to do some contacting. We are working hard to find new people to teach and it is working. We are so blessed! Yesterday we found 5 new investigators that want to take the missionary lessons. I can also tell that my teaching skills are improving. It is fun to be energetic and really get in to everything!

This week we also started teaching an English class! Usually they are pretty difficult to get set up and people don't always come, but this week we had our first class and we had over 20 people come! I love being able to teach English to the people of Tubuai. It is such a blessing being able to speak in French and Tahitian and communicate with the people here  so we can teach them our language. I love being able to serve people and see the impact we can make in their lives.

This last Saturday we had a mini cyclone hit the island. Nothing too big happened, but we did have a lot of fallen trees all over the roads. My companion Elder Blazzard and I went out and helped people to move some of the fallen trees off the roads so cars could pass through. I love serving others!

I hope you all have a good week!

Elder Van Lindt

Riding around in the rain 

Helping to clear the tree in the road


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