Week 33 - District Leader

Hello Everyone! I hope you all had a great week! This week was an awesome week for us down here in Tubuai! This last Friday we had transfers. I am staying down here in Tubuai but my companion Elder Harrision is going back to Tahiti. So I will be getting a new companion. Elder Harrison leaves on Wednesday and my new companion will get here on Wednesday. Apparently he is younger than me on the mission, so I will be the older one. I also got made District Leader out here on Tubuai. Which means I am in charge of the missionaries that are in the islands of the Australes. I am excited to take this leadership position and to lead other missionaries! It has still been super hot here in Tubuai. And sleeping on real beds is kinda weird! I kinda want to go back to the floor, because it is what I am use to. This week Elder Harrision and I found this crazy trail that goes through the island and is like off roading, but it is a total shortcut. It was so much fun even though we almost fell a to...