Week 30 - Mount Taitaa

What a great first week of 2018! We had a great week out here on the beautiful tiny island of Tubuai!!

Last P-day, my companion, Elder Harrison, and I hiked the tallest mountain on Tubuai, Mount Taitaa! It is the highest point on Tubuai. It was such a beautiful hike and the view from the top was amazing! It was so cool being able to see the entire island!

We have also had a few near death experiences this week as well! LOL The first thing was one night this week when we came home there was this centipede on the ceiling and it was almost a foot long! It was giant!! And the centipedes here if they bite you can actually be deadly. So we got buy spray and a lighter and torched the thing and then cut it up with our machetes! Then last night when we were riding our bikes home we had 4 different evil dogs come after us!

This week on Wednesday, the Mission President, President Fox, and his wife are coming down to Tubuai! In front of our house there is this field and in the field there is this super cool monument. But the field hasn't been takes care of in a super long time so the weeds and everything has grown super high and you can't see the monument. The cool thing is the monument is the place where the first missionary came in all of French Polynesia! We thought it would be neat for President Fox to see.  So this morning we went to a members house and got the thing you use to edge the lawn and we just went to town on all the weeds for a few hours! It looks beautiful now and you can see the entire monument. And yes, I did the whole thing in flip flops and shorts!

This week instead of a scripture I just wanted to share a little on families. Being on the mission and not being with my family has really made me notice the importance of families! Families are a gift from God. We have our families for love, joy, happiness and even protection. The family is the base of all things! The family is something you can always rely on and have in your life! I am grateful for my family and for the opportunity I have to be with my family for eternity!

I hope you all have a great and beautiful week!

Elder Van Lindt
Elder Harrison and me
Hiking Mt Taitaa
Amazing view

Giant Centipede!
Yard work
Uncovered the monument


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