Week 32 - It's SO Hot!!

Hello Everyone! I hope you are all doing well!

This last week has been super hot! The hot season has hit here and not having air conditioning is really not fun! But I love it, I love the new experiences I have every single day. Each day is an adventure out here and it is so awesome! To explain the living standards out here I would basically say that we are camping. We got beds this last week so that was a blessing. We have been sleeping on the ground for the last 3 months so these beds are awesome!

This last Saturday we had another baptism, so that was awesome! It was another miracle and happened in less than 3 weeks! She is such a sweet lady and it was so awesome being able to teach her and watch the change she has made in her life!

This morning for our P Day activity we went to another island that is close to Tubuai. Is is a super, super small island and no one lives on the island, so we just got to go out there and explore! The water was so clear and blue! Also, the sun was beating down on us and I am hoping I didn't get sunburnt! Usually I don't burn anymore because I am so tan and my skin has gotten use to it!

This week we went to this old couples house, they are members but inactive, and we went and talked to them. Apparently, he know how to make rings out of the coined money they have here. We went and talked to him and he made us rings for free and then he came to church this last Sunday! It was a two in one kinda thing!

One random night this week a member just randomly stopped by our house with a cheesecake! Man, it has been awhile since I have had that! It was sooo good!

I hope you all have a great week this next week! Keep striving to be a better person each and every day!

Je Vous Aime!!

Elder Van Lindt

Off to Explore

Our boat

Our rings made out of coins


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