Week 33 - District Leader

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a great week! This week was an awesome week for us down here in Tubuai!

This last Friday we had transfers. I am staying down here in Tubuai but my companion Elder Harrision is going back to Tahiti. So I will be getting a new companion. Elder Harrison leaves on Wednesday and my new companion will get here on Wednesday. Apparently he is younger than me on the mission, so I will be the older one. I also got made District Leader out here on Tubuai. Which means I am in charge of the missionaries that are in the islands of the Australes. I am excited to take this leadership position and to lead other missionaries!

It has still been super hot here in Tubuai. And sleeping on real beds is kinda weird! I kinda want to go back to the floor, because it is what I am use to. This week Elder Harrision and I found this crazy trail that goes through the island and is like off roading, but it is a total shortcut. It was so much fun even though we almost fell a ton of times!

I have been reading the Book of Mormon a ton lately and I just love it so much. That book has literally changed my life. I have such a strong testimony that it is true. It is a special book to me and has helped me in my life so much. If you want to know if it's true, then read it! It is my favorite book. I love the Book of Mormon.

I love you all so much!

Elder Van Lindt

He has been fighting an infection in his finger and finally went to the island doctor

He has tried all of the different 'island treatments'

All bandaged up!

Kyle and Elder Harrision checking out the shortcut!


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