Week 31 - President and Sister Fox visit Tubuai


This week was a pretty great week! The time is passing so fast, I can't believe it has already been 7 months! My mission has still been the best decision I have ever made in my life. I learn something new every single day. I have also learned so much about myself and I wouldn't trade this experience for anything!

This past week the Mission President, President Fox, and his wife came down to Tubuai! It was their first time visiting this island so we had the pleasure of showing them around and introducing them to all the people. We spent the first day with the two of them visiting all of the Historical Church Sites. It was super fun, and the first time for me seeing a lot of them too! So that was super awesome! The next day the two of them came with Elder Harrison and I to teach a lesson. It was a great experience and was fun to be able to teach with the Mission President! On Friday morning we had a District Meeting, which is a meeting with the four missionaries of Tubuai and we call in the missionaries of Raivavei (another island near us) that we have every Friday morning, and I was the one who gave a little training for all the missionaries! It was fun to have President Fox in there with us, but also a little scary giving the Mission President training!

This week we had a lesson and engaged one of our investigators for baptism for next Saturday and she accepted! So we have a baptism this upcoming Saturday! She is such an awesome investigator and is so ready! Elder Harrison and I are super excited for her!

I hope you all have a great week! Faaitoito!!

Elder Van Lindt
Welcoming President and Sister Fox
At the monument with President and Sister Fox and Paps Titaha
This bridge was created by members of the church so they could get to church
Walking and talking


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