Week 15 - Transfers

Hello Everyone!! I hope you all had the best week ever because I had such a great week this week! Probably one of my most favorite weeks on the mission. I don't even know where to start! This week on Tuesday we did a split and it was so awesome! It was with the zone leaders. I stayed here and my companion went into the zone leaders sector. Elder Hollowell came into my sector with me and we are literally the same person! It was such a fun day full of laughing and getting a ton of work done. I was laughing and having such a good time that I didn't stress myself out and the lessons just went so well that day! Which brings me to my next story, Elder Hollowell and I had the best lesson ever this week with this investigator named Matahi! He is so awesome! He is 18 and just super cool. We went in with a game plan for the lesson and then we start and the Spirit hit me so hard. So I changed topics and started to teach about the Holy Ghost. It was one of the most spiritual lessons ...