Week 12 - Lots of Rain But It's STILL Hot!

Another week in the most beautiful place in the world! Tahiti is still awesome!

This week was a pretty slow week for my companion and I. We had over 15 lessons cancelled on us this week, so that kinda sucked! But it is all good! We still had a ton of great lessons. Just not as busy as normal. And it rained a TON this week! So that is why a ton of lessons got cancelled. It doesn't make any sense to me, but when it rains Tahitians cancel the lessons. It rained SO much and then it gets super sunny and then it's just super humid! I have never seen so much rain in such a short amount of time! If it rained like this in California then we would be out of a drought in no time!

Last P-Day was super fun! We went to the beach and played tons of sports! We got to play football on the beach for like 3 hours, so that was way fun! The beaches here are SO pretty! And then being able to play sports on the beach makes it even a milliton times better!

The food is getting better! I still have no clue what I am eating, but I am starting to like it. And it doesn't make my stomach hurt anymore. There is this food called Ma'a Tinito, and it is really good! It is like a Chinese food but a little different. It has noodles, meat, beans, and vegetables and some type of sauce and they put it over white rice. It is super good! Also, we never drink just normal plain water! They always put this syrup in it and it makes it like a really watered down juice!

So a fun little Tahitian fact for this week, is that they don't have mailboxes. So instead they improvise and put an old microwave on a post and use that as their mailbox ... yeah, I don't understand either!

This week we went back to the house on the mountain to teach the people we met last week. We showed up and it is suppose to be just the couple, but they invited their two friends over (a couple).  The first couple are both Tahitian, but they lived in Australia for 2 years, so they speak a little bit of English. The second couple, the husband is Tahitian, but his wife is from South Africa, so she speaks fluent English and a little French. So for the lesson we had to teach in both French and English. It was so weird! But it was like the best lesson I have ever taught. They were all engaged, and so we have another lesson with them! All of this happened because we decided to walk up this mountain!

Scripture of week - Galatians 5:22, 25
22 - "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith."
25 - "If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit."

Elder Van Lindt

Me and Elder Hollowell on the beach after playing football
He is a zone leader that serves in Tiare and is going home in 3 months
Smallest kitchen EVER .. especially with 4 Elder's sharing it!
An old microwave as a mailbox .. sure why not?!
It's SO beautiful here!


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