Week 13 - Fafaru

Hello Everyone!!

This week has been super busy with missionary work. We taught close to 30 lessons this week and got 7 new investigators! It has been crazy busy so my week went by so fast!

I just want to start off by telling you all a normal day for me. I wake up at 6am every morning. Between 6am and 7:30am I exercise, shower, eat breakfast and get dressed. Starting at 7:30am my companion and I do our daily planning till 8am. From 8am to 9am I do personal study. Then from 9am to 10am we do companion study! Our first lesson usually starts at 10am. We usually teach like 3 lessons before lunch time. We go back home to eat lunch. After lunch we then go back out and teach lessons, find a new investigators, do service and visit members and inactives. We then have our Fa'atama'ara'a (dinner) around 6:30ish. After dinner we head home and shower and do personal things. Then bed time is 10pm. And that is a day of Elder Van Lindt!

On Saturday the other Elders living in our house had a baptism so we got to do go to that. It was so awesome to see that. I can't wait to have a baptism of my own!

So, on Wednesday nights my companion and I started teaching an English Class! And it actually turned out pretty good! We had like 10 people show up so that was super cool. It was so cool being able to teach these kids English!

Here is the best part of my letter this week! On Saturday I ate Ma'a Tahiti, which is like traditional Tahitian food. So first things first, about traditional Tahitian food, when you eat it you don't use spoons or forks, you can only use your hands! I will list some of the foods we had: Taro, Ipo, Poission Cruller, Fafaru, Pou, Fei, Mautini, Pua, Pua Chox, Poulet Fafa, Uru, and Mithue! So Fafaru is the THE Tahitian food! Everyone says you didn't serve in Tahiti unless you had Fafaru! So let me tell you how they make Fafaru ... They start off by getting a jar full of sea water. They then go and catch shrimp and cut the heads off and put the heads in this jar of sea water. They seal the jar up and let it sit in the sun for a MONTH!! After a month has passed and the shrimp heads have dissolved into the water they get some raw fish and put it in the water for 3 days to let it marinate. Then after the 3 days, you eat the raw fish! Let me tell you, is is the WORST most DISGUSTING smell I have ever smelt in my life! I literally almost threw up! But I had to eat it! When the Fafaru is on your plate the way you eat it is you pick it up and dip it in Mitihue, which is coconut milk, and then you eat it! It is SOOOOOOO bad! But I ate all of it! I almost threw up but I held it down! I also ate all the other foods too, but the Fafaru was the worst! Let's just say my stomach did not process all this food very well!

This week during personal study time I focused on Christlike Attributes, especially Hope! I am trying to become more like Christ in every way possible, and I came across hope this week and thought it was interesting how hope could be a Christlike Attribute. Hope is a lot like Faith. You need hope to have faith and you need faith to have hope! When you have faith you believe that things are going to happen or you believe in a certain thing. But you also have hope. You hope that the certain thing will happen. You hope that the thing you believe in is true!

I have a few different scriptures for you all this week dealing with Hope!

Alma 32:21 "And now as I said concerning faith- faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not see, which are true."

Ether 12:6 "...faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith."

Romans 8:24-25 "For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we seen not, then do we with patience wait for it."

Elder Van Lindt

Not every day you catch a chicken in a house!
Ma'a Tahiti


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