Week 15 - Transfers

Hello Everyone!!

I hope you all had the best week ever because I had such a great week this week! Probably one of my most favorite weeks on the mission. I don't even know where to start!

This week on Tuesday we did a split and it was so awesome! It was with the zone leaders. I stayed here and my companion went into the zone leaders sector. Elder Hollowell came into my sector with me and we are literally the same person! It was such a fun day full of laughing and getting a ton of work done. I was laughing and having such a good time that I didn't stress myself out and the lessons just went so well that day!

Which brings me to my next story, Elder Hollowell and I had the best lesson ever this week with this investigator named Matahi! He is so awesome! He is 18 and just super cool. We went in with a game plan for the lesson and then we start and the Spirit hit me so hard. So I changed topics and started to teach about the Holy Ghost. It was one of the most spiritual lessons I have ever taught! And I was the lead on this lesson and it was the best lesson we ever had with him! And then after that lesson that night when he was in bed he had a super spiritual experience that he told me about. So that was awesome!

THEN, the next day we had a lesson with another investigator, her name is Erika! She is 15 and super awesome! It was our second lesson with her and we taught about the five principles of the Gospel. I took the lead again and it was SO spiritual! Then I got the feeling to invite her to be baptized and so I did. And she said YES!! Hopefully we are going to fix a date sometime this week! I am so excited for her!

The schools had this week off so our youth did like a 3 day activity. So on Thursday morning we went and did the activity with them and it was a huge paint fight! It was so much fun! And such a super awesome way to grow closer to the youth in our ward!

Transfers happened this week! I am staying in Faaripo, but my companion is getting transferred to Bora Bora! I am happy for him and also super glad I am staying in Faaripo! I still feel like I have a lot of work to do here. But that means I will get a new companion this week! I think he will get here on Wednesday this week! I am super stoked!

This week was so spiritual for me! I am really learning how to teach with the spirit and it has been helping so much! I feel like I am in that missionary mindset now.

Scripture of the Week: John 15:12, "This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you."

I have really loved this scripture this week as I have been working on my Love and Charity for everyone, especially my investigators!

Elder Van Lindt
 I love it here!
After the paint war!
 Us with some sisters from the ward and Erika
Me and John-Paul


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