Week 14 - Weighing in at ....

Hello Everyone!

Yes Tahiti is still BEAUTIFUL! And yes I am still alive after eating that Fafaru!

This week has been pretty average for me. Nothing to fun or exciting has gone on, but I still have some things to share!

Let us start by talking about me and my weight. So in just 1 month of being in Tahiti, I have gained 12 POUNDS!!! It is crazy! I think I look the same, so I am trying to figure out where the 12 pounds is!!

Last P-Day was SO much fun! We drove about an hour to the other zone and did a multi zone activity. It was at this huge field and we played football and soccer and it was tons of fun!

This week I went on splits with my Ward Mission Leader and it was so cool! He is such a nice and awesome guy! But it was so cool because I didn't have my companion there to do the talking, so it forced me to do the majority of the talking. And it actually went really good! It built my confidence a ton in the language.

We had a service project this week where we painted one of our investigators house. It was tons of fun! I always love doing service for people. I personally think it is the best way to do missionary work! The old couple we did it for was so thankful!

We had interviews with the Mission President this week and it was so awesome! President and Sister Fox are amazing people! The interview went great and it was nice to tell him about my first month in Tahiti!

Most of you that have Facebook probably saw the activity my ward did on Friday night making FiriFiri. It is a a sweet coconut bread, that we make into a pretzel and then fry it. It was so much fun. I am so blessed with the best members here in Tahiti! They always tell me that I am one of them and that I am Tahitian. I love the people here!

Scripture of the Week: 1 Corinthians 3:16, "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you?"

I have loved this scripture this week because we have nee teaching so many lessons on the Word of Wisdom, which is about not drinking alcohol, tea, or coffee, or smoking and doing drugs. And this scripture really helps them see that their body is like a temple and if they want the spirit to be with them they need to be like a temple!

Elder Van Lindt

This is my Ward Mission Leader, Yanki.. gotta love the Santa Tie!
This is where we had our multi zone activity!
 Me playing with some kids from our ward!
Vahina and Mahinui Orbeck, love their family!


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