Week 99 - Last Transfer!


I hope you are all doing well this week! This week was a good week! A little slower than normal but still good!

So it looks like I will be staring in my area for my last transfer and finishing my mission here! I am actually really excited to finish my mission here! I love this area and all the members! I will also be staying with Elder Harris.

This past weekend we had another baptism! We have been so lucky lately with having such good investigators. And the person that baptized her was her older brother who left for his mission last night! It was cool to see. His is someone that I have gotten to know really well while serving here. I am super happy for him to go serve a mission!

I am excited to start my last transfer! I can't wait to work hard and give it my all! I love my mission and all the things I have learned and continue to learn!
Elder Harrison came back to visit!
I hope you all have a great week!
I love you guys!
Elder Kyle Van Lindt


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