Week 97 - Happy Easter!


I hope everyone had a great week and a wonderful Easter weekend! I hope you all enjoyed the candy and chocolate and Easter egg hunts and all that. BUT, I also hope you remembered the real meaning of Easter. I am so grateful for Jesus Christ and His atonement, because of this we can all be with our families forever!

This week was super awesome in our area! We had an apartment complex open up with 120 apartments. I am so excited for this upcoming week to go in and find some new people to teach!

This week I have been reading in 3 Nephi in the Book of Mormon when Jesus Christ does His ministry in America. It is so great and we are so lucky to have another testimony of Jesus Christ along with the Bible where Jesus Christ Himself preaches to us!

I hope you all have a great week! I love you all!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt
Me and Elder Harris making tacos with some friends
 Made from scratch

 All the sides!
Best part is sitting and enjoying a meal with friends!


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