Week 101 - Serving Others is FUN!

HELLO Everyone!!!
I hope you all had a great week this last week! This was a fun week for Elder Harris and I! We had another baptism this last weekend. Her name is Maire. She is super awesome and the Lord totally prepared her to receive us. She was so accepting and progressed so easily! It was so good to see her get baptized.

Elder Harris, Maire and me
On Saturday morning our district decided to do a car wash! Is was SO much fun! We all had a great time! I love being able to have fun, but at the same time serve others. 
 Serving others is fun to do!

Yesterday we had the opportunity to have a conference where we watched a live broadcast of President Nelson in New Zealand. He was speaking to all the missionaries in the South Pacific! It was super great! He was with Elder Gong as well. It was interesting because the Prophet talked a lot about repentance and then the House of Jacob. He talked about the 12 Tribes of Israel as well! I thought it was interesting because out of all things he chose to speak on that. It is so awesome how we have found all 12 Tribes in the world today! It is such great evidence that His work is progressing!
Such a great conference!

I hope you all have a great week!

I love you all!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt
 Celebrating Mom's 
 Picking flowers for a friend
This will NEVER get old!


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