I AM STILL ALIVE!! I apologize for no updates this past month! The internet on this little tiny island that I am on wasn't working, so I haven't been able to talk to ANYONE! But I am alive and well!! So much has happened this last month. One of our recent converts here just got married a few weeks ago and we were able to go the wedding! It was so much fun and we were able to eat a ton of weird foods. So, we were about to start eating and this person brings out this huge plate that is covered up and sets it right in the middle of the table. Then they proceeded to uncover this plate and BAM it is a cow head!! They just cooked a cow head for the center piece! And we literally just grabbed meat off the skull of this cow head with our hands and ate it! The craziest part is, it wasn't even that bad! Also, here on this tiny little island there are a TON of wild dogs, and they don't like the missionaries! So for our protection we decided it would be best to buy machetes! No...
THIS WEEK WAS AWESOME!!! So this week was super awesome! Let's just start with I FINALLY got a bed!! I am no longer sleeping on the tile floor! And I got a closet so I am no longer living out of my suitcase. I feel like I am starting to settle in. I am even getting use to this French keyboard that I am typing on. The French itself is getting better and better every day. It is still hard but I feel myself improving. My companions say that I speak French a lot better than they did at 2 weeks in the field. The food is still crazy and the majority of the time I have no idea what I am eating! But it is getting better and my stomach is getting use to it. This week we had a lot of fish! RAW FISH! If you know me well, you know that I do not like fish, especially raw fish! We had this fish called Sashimi, and it was actually pretty good! It is cut super thin and then they put it over white rice with some sauce on it. I ate 2 whole plates of it! The bread here is so good! I eat a lot of ...
This week was a week full of miracles! I don't even know which miracle to start with. So we have this investigator named William. He took the missionary lessons about 2 years ago but then he stopped. Then 3 weeks ago he showed up at church with his family, so of course we went over and talked to him and introduced ourselves. One thing leads to another and we are talking about his experience with the missionaries and wondering why he didn't get baptized. My companion, Elder Harrison, asked him why he hasn't been baptized yet and he answered and said it is because him and his wife are not yet married. So then I asked why they weren't married. He replies and says that his wife doesn't want to get married yet, then in the background she comes up and says no they aren't married because he doesn't want to get married. So it was a total misunderstanding between the two of them! So then I was like, ok well why don't you get married? And then Elder Harrison says,...
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