Week 96 - Full Circle

Hello Everyone!

I hope that you all had a great week and that you are all doing well! Life is great here in Tahiti. I love, love, love my mission and all the people here! This week was probably one of the best weeks of my entire mission!
 Always good to eat with good friends!
On Tuesday, we had the opportunity to go to the Temple with some members that came from Tubuai. I served in Tubuai a little over a year ago. It was so awesome being able to see the members from there. There was the Bennett Family there (the family that was baptized when I served there) and they went into the Temple for the first time. On Tuesday they got sealed. The parents and then with their kids. It was by far the best experience of my entire mission! I am so grateful that I have had the opportunity to be here and to accompany this family all the way to the Temple!
 Families are Forever
Then on Wednesday morning we got the news that our Prophet President Nelson and Elder Gong will be coming here to Tahiti on the 24th of May! We were all so shocked to find that out and I am SO excited!

This morning for P Day we went on a hike with some of my favorite members! It was a fun morning and when we got to the top we had a little picnic!

 Beautiful view on top of the mountain!

My mission is going by really fast. I know the end is coming soon, but I try not to think about it yet! I love my mission. I love the people here. And I love the experiences I have had! These people will always have a special place in my heart for the rest of my life! I have been so lucky to serve here!
 I love it when families treat us like family!

I hope you all have a great Spring Break! I love you all!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt


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