Week 95 - Conference Weekend

Hello Everyone!

I hope all is going well for you guys! I am doing great and loving life SO much!

I hope you were all able to watch conference this weekend! It was such a great weekend! I am so grateful that we have a living prophet on the earth today. It is such a blessing to be able to receive modern revelation! I am grateful for all of the talks that were given!

Elder Harris and I scheduled another baptism this week! That makes 3 for the month of April! I am hoping and praying that they will go through and all will work out!

I am also super grateful for the member in the ward I am in right now! They are seriously the nicest people ever and I am grateful to be with them. I am so lucky to be serving here in Tahiti with these people!
 Me and Elder Harris 

I love you all so much! I hope you have a great week!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt


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