Week 94 - Hit the Ground Running

Hello Everyone!

I hope you have all had a great week! This week has been great! It was my first week as a trainer and it was super fun. We study a lot but it is good for us! My companion is Elder Harris. He is from Utah. It has been fund serving with him and getting that reminder of what it is like to be a brand new missionary!
 Elder Harris and me
Welcoming Elder Harris to Tahiti

This week we saw a miracle! There was this young man that called us on Wednesday night and asked if he could take the lessons with us. So we told him of course! On Thursday we stopped by his house and he explained his story a little bit. He is 17 years old, but apparently when he was 12 he took the lessons and wanted to be baptized but his parents wouldn't let him. Well, 5 years later, they finally accepted it. So he called us so that he could take all the lessons again and then get baptized. So we have another baptism this week! It was really nothing that we did, but simply a miracle from God.
 Day 1 we are out doing service for a member

Elder Harris and I giving an English lesson

I hope you all have a great week! I love you guys!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt


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