Week 91 - The Temple is My Favorite Place

Iaorana Tatou!!

I hope you all had a great week! This week was a great week for Elder Banthoud and I! We were able to go to the Temple this week, which was super awesome!

The first time was just with the other missionaries, so that was fun. But the second time we went, we went with our recent converts! We were able to do baptisms for the dead for their ancestors. What a blessing! It was cool because they were touched by the spirit and didn't want to leave!

We have been working really hard with the members and it is paying off! The members are so motivated now and are such a great help in the missionary work! Another blessing!

I really love my mission and all the things I have learned and continue to learn! I hope you all have a great week! I love you all!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt


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