Week 87 - I Love My Mission


I hope you all had a great week this past week! All is going well here in Tahiti! We had transfers this week and Elder Banthoud and I are staying together for another transfer. I am excited to serve with him again!

This week was a good week! Here are a few highlights from this last week!
  • I fixed my bike!
  • One of our investigators we have been teaching for awhile finally came to church on Sunday! I was so happy to see her there!
  • During this last 6 week transfer period Elder Banthoud and I were able to give 53 blessings! I love serving in this area where we get to go to the hospital all the time!
  • An inactive family we have been visiting came to church on Sunday! We have been working a ton with inactives lately!
I love my mission. It has been the best time of my life serving these people. I have such a great love for them. I am grateful the Lord sent me here to serve these people! I have learned so much on my mission that I know I wouldn't have learned if it wasn't for my mission. I will forever be grateful for this time I have had to serve the Lord. I love my mission and I love our Heavenly Father and his son, Jesus Christ. I hope you all can have this same love. I encourage you all to center your lives on Jesus Christ. Je sais que Dieu vous aime et que Jesus Christ est son fils. J'expere que vous allez passer une bonne semaine et que Dieu puis vous benisse. 
Je vous aime!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt


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