Week 86 - Baptisms

Hello Everyone!

I hop that you all had a great week! This week was busy for Elder Banthoud and I. Here are a few highlights from our week!

  • We had zone conference this week. It was super great! We talked a lot about the Spirit and how we can feel the spirit more often in our lives.
  • Temaui got baptized! He is a little boy who has wanted to be baptized for a long time now, but his parents wouldn't let him, but finally they accepted! I am so happy for him! When he bore his testimony at the end of his baptism he said, "I am proud to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ and I am proud to take upon me His name" Super powerful coming from a 10 year old!
  • We had our Soiree Cinema this last Friday. We had so many investigators there and so many inactives. It was a great film, with great popcorn and drinks!
  • Moainui bot baptized! She is 19 and has followed the missionary lessons for 3 years now and because of the power of the Spirit about 3 weeks ago and was baptized this last weekend!

But with every highlight comes at least one 'lowlight' ....
  • My bike is getting old and is literally falling apart. This week my back tire came off while I was riding it! But it's all good, just gonna man it out for the next few months!
This week was great! I hope you all have a great upcoming week! 
I love you all so much!
Elder Kyle Van Lindt


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