Week 82 - Life in the Big City!

Bonjour tout le monde!

I hope that you all had a great week and started off the New Year well! I am in my new area and I love it! It is a lot different then my last but I love my new companion! He is from France and we are literally the same person! It makes such a difference in the missionary work when you get along with your companion! The work goes so much smoother and it is a lot more fun! I love it! Like I said last week, I am in the city part of Tahiti, it is different, and there are a ton of people, but I like it! I will admit it is not the best being back on the bike again. I guess the workout is good!

Elder Banthoud and I got some champagne this week for the New Year! Bien sur without alcohol! LOL
Elder Banthoud and me
This week we gave 13 blessings. It is crazy how often we go to the hospital to give blessings! During the week we went and blessed one of our investigators. He was having a lot of pain in his shoulder and lost feeling in his arm and couldn't really move his neck. We gave him a blessing and he is good now! It was a big testimony builder for him. This coming week we should be able to fix a date for his baptism. I am grateful for the priesthood and the power with it!
Me with my 2 companions from France
This week I set some New Years goals! I started reading the Book of Mormon again, but also the Bible. I want to try and finish the Book of Mormon and the New Testament before the end of my mission. I love the Book of Mormon and the Bible. I have such a big testimony of the two! I know that they are both the word of God and that if we read them everyday our lives will be so much better! I know that it is true because I do it and I have seen the difference in my life!
my view from my studies this week
I hope you all have a wonderful week! I love you guys!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt


  1. Love the view you have in "the big city". Your posts have been inspiring and uplifting and very much loved. Praying for you guys!
    Sister Saima Leon


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