Week 81 - Happy New Year!

Iaorana Tatou! Et bonne annee a vous tous!

I hope that you all had a great Christmas and will have a great New Year's! This week was a great week and it was awesome bring able to talk to my family for Christmas!
Christmas morning
We had transfers today and I was transferred! I will now be serving in the zone of Arue in the area of Pare! My new companion is Elder Banthoud. He is from France and has been on hiss mission for 10 months. I am excited to serve with him. I am also excited for this opportunity to serve with a native French speaker to really perfect my French. But, sadly after 9 months, I am back on a bike. It will for sure help me to get back into shape!

Saying goodbye to all of these special families in Papeari!
I really loved the ward I served in. I am going to miss them and the investigators we taught. But I am excited for the change! I love seeing what the Lord has prepared for me! My new area covers the hospital on Tahiti, so pretty much everyday we get to go to the hospital to give blessings! So I am excited for that.

I hope that 2019 is a great year for you all! I challenge you all to strive to be better and become closer to our Heavenly Father this year! I love you all and thank you for all the support you give me!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt


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