Week 79 - The Atonement

Hello, Bonjour, Iaorana!

I hope you all had a great week this past week, and I'm sure you are all getting ready for Christmas. It is really weird here because Christmas is not the same. It is the hot season and there are no Christmas lights! But I am excited for Skype next week!

This week we had a multi zone conference and it was really good! We talked a lot about Jesus Christ, since it is Christmas season we need to remember Him. We also talked about His Atonement. I am grateful for Jesus Christ and His Atonement. I know that it is through His Atonement that we can receive a forgiveness of our sins and that we can live with God again!
Me and Elder Kerr
We had our ward Christmas party this week, it was awesome and really traditional. We had dancing and a lot of great food. I love the ward I am serving in right now. I have a ton of friends and the members are so great!
 Primary Tahitian Christmas Program
 Eating hot peppers with my zone

I hope you all have a great week! I love you all!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt


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