Week 78 - Missionary Work and Wedding Cakes

Ladies and Gentlemen WELCOME to the email of Elder Van Lindt!

I hope that you all had a great week. Elder Brown and I had a great week! We were able to find 7 new people to teach! Such a blessing! We were busy doing lessons all week long so that was awesome! So here are some highlights from my week -

  • We fixed the marriage and baptism of Jean and Anita (that is the picture of us with our bishop). They have come such a long way! They literally have nothing and I know that the gospel is going to be such a great blessing to their lives! They are already seeing so many blessings. Funny thing, I signed Elder Brown and I up to make the wedding cake for their wedding! LOL We will see how that turns out!
  • We did the last lesson with Poekiva this week because she is going to the islands for vacation. She will be gone for a month. She is SO intelligent and one of my favorite investigators! I know she is going to be baptized one day, once her parents accept!
  • I made a cheese cake this week for fun and it actually turned out really good too!
  • I was able to serve someone by cutting their hair! I forgot to take a picture with them, but I cut some random guys hair on the side of the road this week!
I love you all so much! Stay amazing and don't be afraid to serve others, it works miracles!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt


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