Week 75 - Change is in the Air

Bonjour tout le monde!

I hope you all had a great week! This week was a pretty crazy week for me. There was so much stuff going on and change!

Elder Peck got transfered this week and I got my new companion today. His name is Elder Brown and he is from Utah! He seems like a great guy and I am excited to serve with him. I will send pictures of us next week!

We also had a journee de nettoyage! AKA, a day of cleaning! DEEP cleaning! Our mission president told us to deep clean our house on Wednesday of last week. So that is what we did all day long. We scrubbed the walls and ceilings and anything you can think of! So now our house is CLEAN!

On Saturday, we had our soiree zonia! AKA, a little family home evening with our zone. It was just to end our transfer together on a good note. Elder Danielson and I were on the grill! It was a great time!
 Grilling it up!

The Zone
And then this morning I have done nothing but driving to go and get and drop off missionaries! Life is great!

This week we found some great success in the missionary work! We were able to fix 2 baptisms! Finally we are seeing the fruit of our labors! I am so happy! I love seeing the progress of our armis!
Me and Elder Hansen
I hope you all have a great week and a great Thanksgiving! Eat well for me! Tama'a Maitai!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt


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