Week 74 - Beautiful Island of Tahiti


I hope you have all had a great week! I heard about the fires going on in California! I hope that you are all safe and doing well! It is actually cool because all the members here know I am from California, so as soon as they saw on the news about the fires in California they told me! Gotta love the members here in Tahiti!

This last week was a good one. We had a multi zone Conference. It is always such a great time. Elder Peck and I had to do a little formation on the importance of inviting people to be baptized and how to be bold. It was fun and I hope that it helped the other missionaries.

One of the Elders in our house got REALLY sick this week, so I played mom and stayed at home with him while my companion and his companion went out and worked the 2 areas. I learned how to play chess and got pretty good at it this week! I can't tell you how many games we played! But all is well, I was a good mom and the Elder is up and working again.

On Saturday we did a blitz in one of the Sister's areas. A blitz is when all the missionaries from the zone go into one area and we just all work together. It was fun, I partnered off with Elder Hansen and we had a great time. We did some contacting and on the last house we found some great success. The lady invited us in and we taught the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She said it was an answer to her prayers! I am hoping the Sister missionaries can keep up the great work with her.

This morning for our P Day we went to a lake in our zone. There is a valley that goes all the way to the middle of Tahiti, so we got with some members and they took us there. We were driving through the jungle for a few hours. It was like a safari! So much fun. I love the nature here in Tahiti, it is so beautiful!
the valley
beautiful falls
missionaries from my zone

I hope you all have a great week! I love you all!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt


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