Week 66 - Hiking in Papeari

Hello Everyone!

I hope that you have all had such a great week!

This past week was a great week! It was so hot and humid here this past week, which means a ton of mosquitos! So we have been trying to stay covered in mosquito spray!

Last P Day we went on a hike with some of the other missionaries and it was tons of fun@ Papeari is so beautiful and we have so many fun things to do here! I loved the hike!
 Elder Peck and me
 Other missionaries that we hiked with
 Can't beat the view 

This weekend we had stake conference and it was super awesome! We had Elder Haleck and Elder Bergues there because they called a new Stake President. It was super awesome because Tubuai is a part of this stake, so I was a bunch of members from Tubuai that came up for the conference! The spirit was so strong and it was super uplifting to hear from the leaders of the church.

I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt


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