Week 65 - Hard Work


I hope that everyone had a great week!

This week has been busy to say the least! Elder Peck and I are doing so well together and I am loving every second serving with him! This past week we have been doing 13 hours of proselyting a day and it is kicking my butt. I am SO tired, but it is worth it when you see the results of the joy that others have in their lives!

This week we had interviews again with President Fox. Like always, they were great and I love him so much. Also, on Sunday night, we had a soiree spirituelle and it was super fun! We did it on Le Livre de Mormon and it turned out so well! It was so much fun. Elder Peck and I did a puppet show of the voyage of Lehi and his family. It was a great turn out and the members loved it!

I am excited for this week and for the joy I can help bring into others lives!

I love and miss you all so much!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt
Me and Elder Peck writing our emails!


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