Week 64 - Papeari


This week has been quite the week!

It is my first week in Papeari! I am serving in the Ward of Vaihiria with Elder Peck and we are the zone leaders! It has honestly been one of the best weeks of my mission! Elder Peck and I get along so great and work so well together!

We have been working so hard this week and we have been seeing miracles! I am sure that this transfer will be a transfer of miracles!

I got to go the Temple again this week! It just happened that the zone of Papeari was this week so I was able to go again and it was great like always! I love, love, love the temple!
Me, Elder Peck, Elder Danielson and Elder Hansen

The place we are living in is so awesome! Papeari is like the Amazon Rain Forest! We are literally camping! Our house is a huge cabin! It is so big for just the two of us! We sleep outside practically and it is great!
 This is our view where we sleep, there are no walls up here, so we sleep with our mosquito nets
 This is our eating area
This is my study area

I love, love my mission so much! It is by far the best experience of my life! I wouldn't trade it for anything! I hope you all have a great week and stay dry, because it is pouring rain here!

I love you all,

Elder Kyle Van Lindt

P.S. No more mini van for me ... We upgraded to a truck!
 The front of our house 


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