Week 63 - Goodbye to Punaauia

Hello Everyone!


I am getting transfered! I am going to the Zone of Papeari and I will still be a zone leader there. I will be with Elder Peck who was in the MTC the same time as me! I am SO excited to be serving there with Elder Peck! It is down towards the bottom of Tahiti!

This week we had a Multi Zone conference and it was so good to see everyone there. I always love seeing the other missionaries! Elder Haleck and his wife were there and they talked to us, so that was really awesome. After the conference we had a meeting with the Zone Leaders that were there and that was super fun.
 Elder Koyle, Elder Calves (from France), me and Elder Larsen
Multi Zone Conference

I will be sad to leave Punaauia, but I am ready for a change! I have a feeling this next area is going to be my best! Sorry I don't have a ton of time to write today!
 Saying goodbye to members in Punaauia

I love you all!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt


  1. I do enjoy reading your letters and look forward to the day I can visit with you in person. Right how Iowa is getting rain, lots of it. The forecast is predicting rain for the next 9 days and we really don't need it now. So far we have gotten 3 inches and it is raining tonight. Some areas have gotten much more than that, in fact there are several flood warnings out. Just thinking of you. Much love, Grandma Linda


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