Week 62 - I Love the Temple!

Hello Everyone!

I hope that you all had a great week this past week!

This week was a pretty good week here in Punaauia! We had the opportunity to go to the Temple TWICE this week! We went on Tuesday as a district, because it was finally our turn. I love the Temple and the spirit and calmness I feel when I am there. It is always a great experience when we go to the Temple! On Saturday, we went back to the Temple with Leai and Angele to do baptisms for the dead. There is no better feeling then seeing our recent converts in the Temple! We were blessed this week!
Elder Larsen, Leai, Angele and me

The sister's made us banana bread this week and it was SO good! They made it for us because we fixed their bikes for them. I can't tell you how many times I have fixed a bike on my mission!
Fixing bikes
Yummy banana bread!

This week I have been reading a ton out of the Book of Mormon and it is gold! I have been finding so many answers to my questions in that book! The Lord replies to our prayers in the scriptures, so READ YOUR SCRIPTURES! I understand at times it may be hard but I promise that if you make the time, you will feel the spirit and your life will be 1,000 x's better!

I love you all!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt


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