Week 61 - How Big is God?


You heard it here first folks ... the twins got  baptized!
Elder Larsen, Leia, Angele and me

Saturday Leia and Angele got baptized and on Sunday they were confirmed. I am SO happy for them! They are power! They have such strong testimonies and I know that they will do such great things in the church!

We went to the American store on Tahiti last week and bought fruity pebbles, Squirt, Pop Tarts and Pringles! It was a great day! Also, last P Day we had s'mores on Ritz crackers. I really like the salty and sweet mixture!
Making S'mores

We had breakfast with the twins one morning and literally ate cake, and drank Coke and hot chocolate! Yes, I felt sick after! But we took some great photos! LOL
Me, Elder Larsen and the twins

A Papi in our area made me a Ukulele ... HAND MADE!! It is the coolest thing ever! He is so nice! But now I need to learn how to play it!

I have a story to tell you today ... 
Once upon a time, there was a dad and his son. The son asked his dad, "How big is God?" The dad sat and thought for a second. He looked up in the sky and saw a plane and asked his son, "Well how big is that plane?" and the son replied, "It is small." The next day the dad took his son to the airport and asked the same question, "Well how big is that plane?", and this time the young boy replied, "It is huge!" The lesson we can learn from this story is the closer we are to God the bigger He is in our lives! If we continue to grow our faith each day, God will be "Huge" in our lives! I encourage you all this week to do the things that will help you be closer to God so that he has a bigger impact in your lives!

Je vous aime enormement!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt


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