Week 60 - Faith in Fasting


I hope you all had a great week! This week was an awesome week full of great experiences!

First things first, Teva got married and baptized! He was an investigator from another area and I did his baptismal interview. He is so awesome and his story is so powerful! His baptism was such a great and cool experience. I have a talk at his baptism on  Baptism and is was super cool! He was so happy and I was so glad I was there to witness it!

Second thing, we had interviews with President Fox this past week! I always love our interviews we have and the relationship that I have with President Fox! I am so grateful for him and all of the work he does for us!
Teva and Elder Koyle

Third thing (the BIGGEST thing), Fasting Works!!! This week we had a fast with two of our investigators, Leia and Angle. They are twin girls that are 16 years old. We have been teaching them for a few weeks now and we engaged them for baptism and they accepted! But since they are under 18 they have to have parent authorization. And as soon as we said that they both had a look of fear on their face. They said that there is no way that their dad would accept. He is Protestant and very strict with it. So, we said okay lets fast (for those of you that don't know what that means, we do not eat or drink for 24 hours and to give that sacrifice that the thing you need is more important than eating and drinking. It shows that you have faith and you have trust in the Lord to help). So, we fasted and we started Saturday afternoon. Then on Saturday night they called their dad (they haven't been living with him for the past month or so) to invite him to come to church. Sunday morning we are in church and I couldn't believe my eye ... he came! It was the first time I ever saw him and he looked so scary! During all of Sacrament meeting I just kept watching him, hoping that he was liking it. The first hour ended and he got up and the two twins came over to us and said that their dad told them that they are going home with him and not coming back here again. Elder Larsen and I just looked at each other and we were crushed! But, then we went over and talked to him and invited him to come into Bishop's office with us and the first counselor to President Fox. So, it was Elder Larsen, me, President Nauta, and the dad of the twins. We start talking and talking and talking. We gave him a blessing and it was SO powerful. Then, after we asked for his authorization and he ACCEPTED! He signed the papers and he told us that he would love to be there. So we will be having a baptism this upcoming weekend. The Lord really helped us out. He softened the heart of that dad while we were in the office. I know it is because we fasted and prayed. The Lord gave us a miracle that we were able to see right before our eyes! I am so grateful for that awesome experience we had!

Last thing, we had pizza this week! And here the pizza is a little different! Elder Larsen and I ordered a Chevre miel pizza, which is goat cheese and honey with ham on it. It sounds super weird, but we got it and it was the best pizza ever!
Chevre miel pizza

Have a great week! I hope you all see miracles this week!

I love you all!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt


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